Teaching Writing

Consultations on Teaching Writing

​Writing Center Director, Dr. Jennifer Follett, is happy to discuss writing pedagogy with faculty who teach writing in any discipline or who rely on writing assignments to assess student learning. You may want to ask for a consultation if:

  • You plan to integrate a new writing assignment into your course;
  • You are not getting the results you hope for from students’ writing;
  • You have questions about how to give feedback to student writers or how to evaluate their writing;
  • You would like to try informal writing assignments as learning tools and want to brainstorm how;
  • You feel overwhelmed by the amount of time you spend responding to and grading student writing. 

Email Jen at jfollett@udel.edu to set up a time to talk!

The Writing Center’s friend and Director of First Year Writing, Dr. Michael McCamley, also enjoys discussing writing pedagogy with faculty from across the disciplines and frequently offers workshops through UD’s Faculty Commons. Feel free to reach out to Dr. McCamley at mccamley@udel.edu to discuss your writing pedagogy questions.

Consultations on Teaching Speaking or Multimodal Presentations

Faculty are increasingly assigning in-class presentations, videos, or other multimodal projects as ways for students to demonstrate what they’ve learned in class. If you are considering such an assignment, Associate Director for Communication Studies Nicholas Gadino would be happy to talk with you about assigning, supporting, and evaluating multimodal assignments. 

Email Nick at ngadino@udel.edu.